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USS Kearsarge CVS-33 participates in the movie "Tora Tora Tora"
April 4, 1969 Pearl Harbor Hawaii
©2014, USS Kearsarge Association, All Rights Reserved.
On April 4, 1969, at 07:00 the ship was in sight of the beautiful state of Hawaii
Elven Havard as Mess Attendant 3rd Class Doris Miller, on the USS West Virginia during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor manned a 50 caliber machine gun during the attack.
Martin Balsam as Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
James Whitmore as Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Commander, Aircraft Battle Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet USS Ticonderoga CVS-14 also was in the movie as the Enterprise
Kearsarge enters Pearl Harbor early morning playing the role of the USS Enterprise in 1941
by Dale Maddy
by Bill Hollywood
Mockup of the Battleship Nevada by Bill Hollywood
By Bill Hollywood
by Bill Hollywood
Bullet holes still in the windows of hangar 79 in January 2016 - by Dale Maddy
USS Arizona Memorial in January 2016 by Dale Maddy